Make a Difference Day is the largest national day of community service and is celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday in October. The event connects people with opportunities to serve, increases the strength of communities and promotes civic engagement. This is the first year the BPNA Beautification committee has participated in Make a Difference Day and our theme of “neighbors helping neighbors” to improve the appearance of Berkner Park was a huge success and exceeded our goals and expectation.
Fourteen very hard-working BPNA volunteers met Saturday October 26, 2013 to help a Berkner Park neighbor and truly made a difference. The BPNA volunteers, mowed, raked, trimmed, weeded, cut tree branches, dug up very stubborn tree roots, and cut back years of growth. It was hardwork, but the look of appreciation on our elderly neighbor’s face made it all worth the aches and pains some of us suffered the next few days.
It was truly heart-warming to see these wonderful, committed and compassionate volunteers give up their precious time on a Saturday morning to help a neighbor in need. It is individuals like these caring volunteers that make Berkner Park one of the friendliest neighborhoods in Richardson.
The following individuals deserve recognition and appreciation for their Make a Difference Day Volunteerism –
Carlene Chambers | Le Filler | Suzanne Fogarty |
Ray Chambers | Jerry Filler | Bill Bergstrom |
Kenny Craven | Chris Nieman | Jim Buhr |
Howard Dunn | Wayne Nieman | Judy Bergstrom |
Ronnie George | Amy Porter | Donna Buhr |